Football Fanatic
Gift Stickers

by Kelly Hughes Designs

ON SALE - 10% Off Prices Listed
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Gift Stickers by Kelly Hughes Designs (Football Fanatic - Kids)
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Football Fanatic
Gift Stickers
by Kelly Hughes Designs

ON SALE - 10% Off Prices Listed
(discount will appear once product is added to basket)

Self-adhesive gift stickers, great for gift giving or any other use.

2.75" x 2.75"

Estimated Delivery Time
1-3 working days (after proof approval, if applicable) for production plus shipping time from AL

24 - $28.00 $25.20
Addl 24s - $10.00 $9.00
ON SALE - 10% Off Prices Listed
(discount will appear once product is added to basket)
Product Details

Choose from any available typestyle

Ink Color
Choose from any of the available ink colors
Questions? We're here to help.
Call us at 516-466-1227 (8am-10pm ET)

Indicates a Required Field

Typestyle Choice
Choose from any available typestyle
Ink Color Choice
Choose from any of the available ink colors
Initial/Monogram Formatting
Text Instructions
Optional Proof
Optional Gift Card
If this is being sent directly to someone other than you
Shipping Options
NOTE: Choosing an expedited shipping method DOES NOT affect production time
Special Instructions
Just Curious