Fanciful Snowflakes - Blue
Gift Stickers

by Stacy Claire Boyd

Currently on Sale - 10% off ALL prices listed
(discount will appear when product is added to basket)
Holiday Gift Stickers by Stacy Claire Boyd (Fanciful Snowflakes - Blue)
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Fanciful Snowflakes - Blue
Gift Stickers
by Stacy Claire Boyd

Currently on Sale - 10% off ALL prices listed
(discount will appear when product is added to basket)

Self-adhesive matte holiday-themed gift stickers that come on flat sheets. Perfect for gift giving. Personalize with your text and choice of optional icon!

2 3/4" x 2 3/4"

Estimated Delivery Time
1-3 working days for production plus shipping time from AL

24 - $25.00 $22.50
Addl 24s - $12.00 $10.80
Currently on Sale - 10% off ALL prices listed
(discount will appear when product is added to basket)
Product Details

Ornate Alphabet and Bertram shown. Choose up to 2 of any of our available typestyles and dictate where they are used.

Ink Color
Mocha shown. Choose up to 2 of any of our available ink colors and dictate where they are used.

You have the ability to customize your product by including any of the available motifs.

If you would like to see what your item will look like before it is printed and shipped you may order a digital proof for an additional fee
Questions? We're here to help.
Call us at 516-466-1227 (8am-10pm ET)

Indicates a Required Field

Text for Stickers
Text Formatting/Layout Instructions
Typestyle Choices
(click to view choices)
Ornate Alphabet and Bertram shown. Choose up to 2 of any of our available typestyles and dictate where they are used.
If you want to use the typestyle(s) shown on the sample, free free to simply write "AS SHOWN" below
Ink Color Choices for Text
(click to view choices)
Mocha shown. Choose up to 2 of any of our available ink colors and dictate where they are used.
Optional Motif
You have the ability to customize your product by including any of the available motifs.
(click to view choices)
Optional Proof
Shipping Options
Special Instructions
Just Curious